Sunday, June 14, 2009


Bike Endurance

S: 30:57. 1760yds. Still stopped a couple times. Fastest time of the week.

B: 4 hours in 2 rides. Both rides were easy. It was a beautiful day outside - best of the summer so far - so split ride so as not to waste the whole day riding. Went to a Jazz festival instead. Morning ride was 56 miles in 2:35. 218w. Second ride was was easy pedaling for 1:30 during the Lakers game.

R: Day Off. I'm feeling some pain in my hip when I walk and run. So no running until Tuesday. I've been going back and forth but I've decided to ditch the double runs for now until I can handle them down the road. On the one hand, my running base is probably the best it has ever been, running 8:30s at 130-135bpm, which for me is great. On the other hand, I keep getting aches and pains. In an attempt to run more, I land up running less. So for the next 10-12 weeks, I'm going to stick to single runs for the most part and pretty much start my run training from scratch, at 30-40 miles. There is still plenty of time to up the volume come the end of August and throughout September, and October.

W: abs.

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